- Changed Garmin watch identifier.
- Android status bar removed in theme, so will not reappear by soft keyboard
- Sub-dialogs more distinctive
- Doze mode exemption dialog
- Doesn't rescan Bluetooth devices on connection error anymore
- Made rejection of old stream values (e.g. because of exhaustion of binder threads) less stringent
- back button support (for old smartphones)
- Did something with pre-launch report issues
- Added link to a command line program to mirror
- Cancel vibrate also before starting new vibration (needed newer smartphones).
- kill program if scan processing takes too long
- Don't enable rotation in settings anymore, because android portrait only is common and unusable.
- Return from empty list numbers stays here
- Inverted screen default.
- Added Android 11 Garmin connect app query permission
- Added link for downloading Kerfstok
- don't shrink settings and add connection view anymore when soft keyboard is shown.
- Removed delete 'receive from' from mirror bug
- Use in newer androids not deprecated vibrate
- skip duplicate Bluetooth notifications
- disabled old value check
- setEGLContextClientVersion with used version, now before setEGLConfigChooser
- kill works again
- get carbohydrate from meal components
- Include NSDA Nutrient database under Left menu->New Amount, Carbohydrate-> Meal-> add Item-> Select-> Define-> Database
- Turn database off in arm 32 because program didn't start anymore
- Turned nutrient database on in arm 32
- Switch to McCance and Widdowson’s The Composition of Foods Integrated Dataset 2021, because the carbohydrate by difference estimations of NSDA are sometimes dangerously high (e.g. for legumes).
- add 0 to end of ingredient and unit
- Check for already found sensors before searching for sensors
- Unessential display changes
- Displays meals in curve
- Add network recv/send timeouts
- Keep display state after close or back and from notifications
- search in meals on ingredient
- Last time period of a sensor with another sensor within its time interval, is now shown
- Check on zero time from watch
- Color changes
- Android notification for Reminders changed
- Curve scroll changes
- Slow pinch doesn't evoke long press anymore.
- previous version didn't show data of sensors more than two weeks in use.
- Deals better with end of sensors
- Help with meals
- Directly use ACTION_REQUEST_IGNORE_BATTERY_OPTIMIZATIONS to ensure reliable glucose alarms if google play permits this.
- Solution for zero length countries
- No lockin anymore after save or delete in list
- Colors settings for curves, scans and numbers
- Lasting colors settings for curves, scans and numbers
- Again time and level lines in inverts screen mode
- No glucose values alarm
- add three hour lines to see time scale
- Now with visible menu's in invert color mode
- Again some color changes (more colors).
- If "sensor via Bluetooth" is unchecked or Juggluco can't search for sensors because it doesn't have location permission, Juggluco doesn't enable streaming anymore. In previous versions, Juggluco always took over the Bluetooth connection with the sensor after scanning. If you scanned the sensor one time with another smartphone, you had to scan the sensor again with the original smartphone to get the Bluetooth connection back. Now there is a way to turn that off.
- AGP like summary statistics: percentage in certain glucose ranges, GMI, Glucose Variability and a summery graph showing below which value lie at each minute of the day 0%,5%,25%,50%,75%,95% or 100% of the values.
If "sensor via Bluetooth" is unchecked or Juggluco can't search for sensors because it doesn't have location permission, Juggluco doesn't enable streaming anymore. In previous versions, Juggluco always took over the Bluetooth connection with the sensor after scanning.
AGP like summary statistics: percentage in certain glucose ranges, GMI, Glucose Variability and a summery graph showing below which value lie at each minute of the day 0%,5%,25%,50%,75%,95% or 100% of the values.
- Export meals to html
- If "manually scale glucose" is set in settings, the position on the screen of the peak and trough of the summary graph can be changed;
- Added alternative prediction of HbA1c, Estimated A1C, to statistics.
- For red-green color blinds: made green more distinctive from red in ranges bar.
- Watch shortcut setting functions;
- Alarms and notifications also evoked if glucose values are received from Juggluco on another device over IP/TCP
- Alarms in separate dialog;
- IP/TCP implementation changes.
- Possibility to specify identifier of Garmin watch app, so that people who modify the source of Kerfstok (or make something new) don't need to use the ID of Kerfstok to communicate with Juggluco.
- Version 1.3.5 tried for too long to use finished sensors via Bluetooth, this is corrected.
- If you set System UI, it stays on until you turn it off or restart.
- Mirror with passive sender and active receiver now also possible;
- Bug fixes.
- Flash light alarm, which needs camera permission when used
- Interface changes
- Flash alarm flashes less frequently and sometimes much shorter.
- Removed a list of urls at startup because of Google Play
- Added DeleteLocalRef
- Flash alarm now always stops automatically.
- Removed a list of urls at startup because of Google Play
- Added DeleteLocalRef
- Alarm stops now when the user switches to Juggluco or touches the screen in Juggluco.
I was this time generous and created a status bar icon for every glucose value. The size of the app has nearly doubled.
TimePicker was not shown on screen with low height and visible status bar. Changed.
- Summary graph ends now at 00:30 to make the graph around 00:00 clearer;
- On some devices Android automatically groups notifications under an old icon. Made harmless.
- Switched off notification grouping.
- Managed to make spinners open somewhat faster;
- NFC sound options in settings;
- Better handling of wrong number format;
- Added settings option to send glucose values to Xdrip+. Just to try out Xdrip+, otherwise I needed a fresh sensor.
- Synchronize flash stop
- Added KEEP_ALIVE tcp option
- Test play ringtone stopped upon close dialog
- Network changes
- Change of Garmin watch changes
- Network connection changes
- Network connection changes;
- Paging starts now only when tapping more to the right or left of screen;
- Added Glucose-axis numbers left setting.
- Sensor "Sensor via Bluetooth" automatically turned off when Stream input arrives via IP/TCP;
- Wake sender on loss of signal alarm when 'Sensor via Bluetooth' is turned off;
- With very large font and android status bar shown, watch status didn't fit on the screen and was not shown. Changed.
- Doesn't need location permission anymore. But I don't know if this works with all phones or sensors, so it can be turned on and is still asked for on phones running Android 6 to 7.1;
- NFC scanning different in the hope to make it work with US-sensors.
- Turned on asking for connect with devices permission on Android 12.
Some minor changes:
- It now possible to connect to localhost with WIFI and data connection turned off;
- Added some more checks on Nearby devices permission;
- Less harsh on regex syntax errors;
- A meal bug removed;
- Doesn't ask for Camera permission when using Flash anymore. If Juggluco crashes without it, you can still turn it on.
- Removes old state files;
- Added the possibility not to turn off alarm by touching view.
- Removes old state files;
- Added the possibility not to turn off alarm by touching view.
- Use alarm to get phone out of sleep to get connection going. 2.0.11 Enabling streaming Bug fix. Under a certain improbable condition device address was not assigned without location permission. 2.1.0 Incorporates a web server for xDrip watches. Because xDrip only shows a new glucose value every 5 minutes and Juggluco every minute, a direct connection of Juggluco with xDrip watches gives more recent glucose values. 2.1.4 No longer excessive battery power consumption of web server for xDrip watch apps 2.2.1 Now works with US Freestyle libre 2 sensors. 2.2.2 To my embarrassment, version 2.2.1 of Juggluco crashed while using US Freestyle Libre 2 sensors when root related files could be found at conventional places. Juggluco 2.2.2 on arm64 doesn't crash anymore. 2.2.3 Removed US Freestyle Libre 2 sensor end-of-life bug. 2.2.4 - Made nfc scan timeout longer; - Android backup killed Juggluco, so set android:allowBackup="false"; - Alarms stop better; - Xdrip server stays off better if set so. 2.3.0 Connects with the Wear OS version of Juggluco. Juggluco ported to Wear OS including a watch face that displays the glucose value received every minute via Bluetooth.
Doesn't end up in NFC settings with NFC turned off;
NFC changes (please tell me if scanning doesn't work anymore for a particular sensor);
Display changes.
- NFC changes (please tell me if scanning doesn't work anymore for a particular sensor);
- WearOS and Smartphone version of Juggluco communicate also when the smartphone has a data connection instead of WIFI;
- The connection is now activeonly for the Watch, because TCP over Bluetooth seems only to work if it is initiated by the watch;
- Corrected some timeouts in activeonly-passiveonly connection.
- Network changes to improve an activeonly-passiveonly connection.
Also KEEPALIVE in one sided initiated connections.
- Network changes;
- Minor bug fixes.
It seems that only updating the WearOS version has gone wrong, so I update both.
Removed some unused code out of the WearOS version thereby decreasing its size.
Removed a lot of unused code out of the WearOS version without much influence on its size.
- Removed a lot of unused code out of the WearOS version without much influence on its size;
- Upgraded to Garmin Connect IQ Mobile SDK 1.5.
On Android<8, the glucose value was not shown in the android status bar. Fixed.
On some devices, alarms were not played during "Do not disturb". On Smartphones you can now instruct Juggluco to override "Do not disturb".
Glucose notifications settings don't have to be changed anymore on some devices.
- It turned out that there was a user with arm64 and Opengl 2.0, so on arm64 I also use Opengl 2.0 instead of 3.0.
- xDrip server now also works if the phone unit is mg/dL.
Easier to use with Libreview.
- Sends less often to Libreview.
- Bug fixes.
The network interface of some data connection carriers is not immediately visible and was not detected by Juggluco. Added a delay to solve this.
- xDrip server didn't work with very little data available. Changed.
- Enable streaming earlier in warm-up period when sensor is started by an other app.
- WearOS stream value further from curve.
- Added Alarm message in app, for devices where notifications are hidden.
Gleichschaltung Notifications,
- Translated into dutch;
- Small bug fixes.
- Vibration on alarm added;
- WearOS version switches WIFI on, for data transfer, during first run.
- Now with Turbo button against Bluetooth connection errors.
- IP/TCP changes.
In some circumstances Juggluco still scanned for sensors thereby needing location permission on Android 6-11.
- Talks differently with Kerfstok watch App.
Praat anders met Kerstok horloge app.
- Can now send glucose values to a Fitbit watch app (https://glancewatchface.com/);
- Better numbering of exported History glucose values;
- A Freestyle Libre 2 sensor immediately after a Freestyle Libre 3 sensor works.
- Added LibreView status line;
- Mirror server restarts listening for connection after error;
Android 8 or higher can now use Freestyle Libre 3 sensors.
Glucose broadcasts added; other apps can receive glucose values from Juggluco. See: http://jkaltes.byethost16.com/Juggluco/glucosebroadcast.html.
Libre3 glucose values can also be sent to Libreview.
Bug fix.
Trend arrow added to notification
Bug fixes
When Juggluco determines that IP/TCP doesn't work, it switches to Bluetooth for the communication between WearOS and phone version.
Can now also send amounts (as insulin, carbohydrate, or comments) to Libreview.
Possibility to show heart rate in watch face;
Added Librelink broadcast;
You have to specify to which apps the broadcast should be sent;
xDrips should now use one of the broadcasts or the xdrip webserver, instead of "Send to xDrip";
Network less active when WIFI is off;
Timeout in Libreview connection;
Portuguese translation.
Some Nightscout apps can now be directly used with Juggluco. Needs port forwarding and an authenticated SSL key. See left menu-> Settings-> Web server
Bug fixes
It is now also possible to receive amounts from the xDrip/Nightscout Web server included in Juggluco with: Juggluco, Left menu->Settings->Web server->Help.
With this version not only an api_secret, but also an api-secret and a Nightscout token can be used.
Added MacOS and IOS apps to Webserver help.
Bug fixes.
Glucose data can also be uploaded to Nightscout server.
Bug fixes.
Some Bluetooth changes that according to one user solved the Android 13 Bluetooth difficulties.
Bug fixes.
Sends to Watchdrip+
Ignores the instruction from Watchdrip to leave open half an hour after the current time, because when only one hour is displayed on the screen this means that a third of the screen is empty. If there are uses of this interface for which this is inappropriate, please tell me.
Watchdrip moved to Left menu->Watch.
Thicker lines for low resolution devices;
Better connection between phone and multiple WearOs watches at the same time (needed because short battery life);
Probably less need to switch off WIFI and turn on mobile data and back or the other way around and reinit and sync to get the connection between WearOS watch and phone working.
Function key acts as back button on WearOS to get out of color selection.
On new installs only: changed the connection between WearOS watch and phone to activeonly on phone and passiveonly on watch everywhere except Galaxy Watch.
Watchdrip watches generate also high,low and missing value alarms;
Bug fixes.
NFC NovoPens
Only add NFC NovoPen data after a certain date.
Separate notification option, useful for some watches;
More information about mirror connection;
Possibility to set Phone-WearOS watch connection to default values;
Bug fixes.
NFC NovoPen bug fix.
Changed alarm sound type from Ringtone to Alarm.
Test on maximal possible labels (40);
No color overlap anymore with other display elements, when using all labels.
Direct sensor-watch connection checkbox works again.
Bug fix
Nightscout uploader can also be used directly from WearOS watch.
The Nightscout server in Juggluco now also works with the Cockpit IOS app.
When someone makes the mistake of adding a new/reinstalled receiver to an already existing mirror sender, resend data is switched on automatically.
Only applicable to new installations: alarm duration increased from 6 seconds to 18 hours.
Added "Libre3 immediate" option to Libreview; making it possible to follow glucose values from Libre 3 sensors in real-time on LibreLinkUp.
Better switching between direct sensor-watch connection and back;
Also runs on rooted arm32 watches that can't hide root.
Sends to Gadgetbridge;
Notification when New amount is tried instead of hiding it when "Amounts received from mirror" is set.
Bug fixes.
Better WIFI connection between WearOS watch and phone.
For mg/dL the value is split between maximal and minimal temperature, because mg/dL values are to large for temperature. See Left menu->Watch->Help. The direction of change times 10 is put into current temperature.
Bug fixes;
The beta version of a Belarusian and French translation;
Can talk out glucose values when they arrive (Left middle menu->Talk).
Small changes in translations.
Different amount specification for Libreview and Nightscout server in Juggluco.
Ukrainian translation;
In app language selection;
Key in Kerfstok stops alarm on phone.
Doesn't retry send messages anymore;
The Arm64 version can directly connect with new US Libre 2 sensors;
Bug fixes;
Removed accidentally included test Chinese;
Somewhat smaller;
The with- and without- Libre 3 version have now the same versionCode, so that one can install them in any order after each other.
Because of a bug sensors where not recognized as US Libre 2. This is solved.
Can also use New US Libre 2 sensors on x86,x86_64 and arm32 devices including WearOS.
Terminating a sensor and later de-terminating it, could lead to data from that sensor not being send to mirror device. Repaired.
Running US and EU Libre 2 at the same time on slow device is now possible.
Uses somewhat less RAM;
New US Libre 2 sensors also work for users who installed Juggluco a very long time ago for the first time and didn’t reinstall when New US Libre 2 sensors didn’t work anymore.
WearOS Watch face now also shows heart rate when SENSOR_STATUS_ACCURACY_LOW. At other times it is inaccurate as well;
Because of a complaint of a user, high glucose alarm will no longer be played when the glucose value is above the maximal sensor value when the high glucose alarm is turned off;
Talk can now also be used for languages for which Juggluco doesn’t have a translation.
In previous versions, AlertDialogs closed when the screen was touched outside the dialog. Now it doesn’t happen anymore.
adb run-as tk.glucodata can be used again.
Some changes for large fonts on small watches;
Some changes for small phones, split screens, cover mode flip phones;
Turn off alarms by dismissing redirected notification on watch.
ah7675 added writeCharacteristic retries for US Libre 2 sensors;
BUG fix;
Better spacing on WearOS in some languages in large font.
Menu stays open after switching Float;
Manually scale glucose now always turned on in summary graph;
BUG fixes;
Doesn't switch to Juggluco anymore when an alarm goes off.
Now LibrelinkUP can also be used with Libre 2 sensors;
The history values of Libre 0 sensors can be sent to Libreview;
With Notify and Seperate enabled, Juggluco is no longer foregrounded as a glucose value arrives.
Removed wakelock option.
Option to receive History values via Bluetooth (left menu->Sensor->Stream history)
Start Stream history earlier with new sensors.
Spy Views Libreview option to send to Libreview whether values are viewed;
Minor Bug fix.
Polish translation updated;
Spy Views options is for Libre 2 sensor now also effective when not constantly connected to the internet.
Added glucose widget: same glucose image as in notification and floating glucose can also be placed on the home screen;
Talkback nearly possible:
Some changes so that hidden or disabled views are no longer read by Talkback;
All menus can be displayed at the same time in a way that can be read by Talkback (Left menu->Menus);
When Talkback is turned off, talking out is even easier. When Left middle menu->Talk->Talk touch is set:
Menu items are read when longpressed;
Current glucose value is read when touched;
Scan- and graphpoints are read when touched;
Amounts are read when touched;
Amounts in list (left middle menu->list) are read when longpressed;
Scanned value is also read;
Date read when upper left or right corner is touched.
Speaks when floating glucose is tapped;
Speaks error messages;
Trend arrow also in move to now menu item;
Bug fix.
Bug fix
Left middle menu->Export now possible for a certain time interval.
Same data as exported can now also be accessed via web server in Juggluco, see https://www.juggluco.nl/Juggluco/webserver.html
Talk options: speak messages and speak alarms. Only shortly visible messages are now spoken out, when speak messages is switched on.
Bug fixes.
Bug fix
Also with Left menu->Menus on, is now the result of a scan shown;
More quick messages (Toasts) translated into Dutch and German;
Mirror of amounts bug fix.
Bug fix.
Bug fixes.
Ringtone picker shows all Ringtones instead of only for alarms or notifications.
Bug fixes in help files.
Removed the Spy View moderator. If you configure Juggluco to send to Libreview with “Spy Views” switched on, Juggluco now sends every view to Libreview, so that Polish users get their mandatory 8 views a day as easy as with Librelink. It has the disadvantage to create a lot of ugly view circles.
Added mg/dL and mmol/L options to Juggluco export web server: https://www.juggluco.nl/Juggluco/webserver.html
Bug fixes.
Belarusian and Ukrainian translation updated;
iob element added to pebble web server command;
Bug fixes.
Bug fixes
First wait after change of duration between spoken glucose values, is now the new duration instead of the old.
Bug fix
Removed Camera permission. If after the update, Juggluco cashes when using the Flash please tell me.
Owlet (https://github.com/kashamalasha/nightscout-widget-electron) now works with integrated Nightscout server. The Owlet “NIGHTSCOUT TOKEN” field isn’t used by the Nightscout web server in Juggluco, you can enter whatever you want. To specify an api-secret you can add it after the hostname and port. Thus, instead of something like you use if xyz is the api-secret and is the IP of the phone running Juggluco.
Added possibility to use api-secret as the first element of the path.
Bug fix.
Libreview bug fix.
Besides the scan time and pink color, the display of old scans is now also crossed out to prevent confusion with a recent value. One user still thought to see a current value when looking at an already pink display. Now the past is crossed out, so it is not confused with the present. The display of a scan is also closed automatically after 1 minute. So nobody can confuse it with the current value received via Bluetooth.
When exporting meals to html, moved the date from the caption into the table. Now the date is available when reading the table into R, Python or Mathematica:
import pandas as pd meal1=pd.read_html("")
meal1=Import["", "Data"]
Amounts are now displayed above the other elements of the graph instead of under them.
Bug fix of French translation.
Web server in Juggluco:
Added hidden unix time after date in saved meals;
pebble can now also be used with count= and units=. A Juggluco specific addition is that they can also be used with interval= and find[date][$gt]=. Idem for gte,lt and lte.
Previously you had to look in Left menu→Sensor on a WearOS watch before new sensor was added to the sensors Juggluco connected to. Not longer.
Try out turning on Wakelock for Libre 3 and mirrors.
Updated Android Libraries;
Always shows chooser for Ringtone Pickers. Previously the user was bound to a particular Ringtone picker after they accidentally pressed “Always” or checked “Don't ask again";
Added option to glucose webserver in Juggluco to change the default interval between glucose values.
Removed unit from Widget;
Amounts can also be send to Nightscout (treatments);
Edit text in “define ingredient” and “web server” is placed higher, so that there is more room for the virtual keyboard when a large font is used.
Uploads less glucose values at once to Nightscout.
Bug fixes and improvements in Web server in Juggluco: AAPS can now receive glucose values and treatments from the Nightscout server in Juggluco using NSclientV3 setting.
Bug fixes in uploader to Nightscout and the addition of a test V3 option.
Added Android Wear version without Watch Face that can be used on old Android Wear watches (minimally Android 4.4) and possibly Harmony and ColorOS watches.
RU option to send Libre 2 sensor data to libreview.ru instead of libreview.com
On some smartphones the widget preview was invisible. No longer.
WearOS version can now be installed on an ordinary phone or non-WearOs Android watch;
Juggluco can send glucose values to Health Connect and that way indirectly to Google Fit.
Bug fixes;
Insulin on board.
Displays error messages from Nightscout web server, uploader and mirror.
Option to use hostname instead of IPs for mirror connections.
When Health Connect isn’t installed, asks now also for Glucose Write permission;
Added nearby devices and notification justification;
Added “Now clamp” option to setting. See Left menu→Settings→Help.
Removed old AndroidManifest.xml that in 7.4.5 was somehow merged with the right Androidmanifest.xml.
It is now possible to specify a start time from which to send data to Libreview;
Update of Polish translation;
Bug fixes.
Bug fix in v3 Nightscout uploader.
Timestamp of glucose value can also be shown under Floating glucose and is displayed under the glucose widget. This is needed because when Juggluco is killed the widget keeps displaying the last value and on some devices something like that also happens with the floating glucose.
You can switch to Juggluco by touching the left of the Floating glucose value at the place of the arrow. The right is still usable for moving the floating glucose or making it untouchable by double tapping it and stopping the alarm by tapping it.
Long pressing the floating glucose number, now makes it small. Tapping it restores it to it’s original size.
Bug fixes;
On Android 14, notification arrow is now shown in both states;
Added Off option to disable a mirror connection.
Added CORS Access-Control-Allow-Origin when api_secret size is larger than 7
Bug fixes
Added to web server in Juggluco a bug fix and logging in logging version.
Sibionics sensors can be used with Juggluco. Caveats:
It requires Google Play Services.
I have only tried one Chinese Sibionics sensor that couldn’t be used with the European version of Sibionics Android app.
I optimistically set the use duration to 24 days. I don’t know if this is realistic or requires modifications. The only Sibionic sensor I tried now works somewhat longer than two weeks, but only after a connection disruption lasting 7 hours. Now it is running without problem. The data of this missing period I received afterwards. (EDIT: My phone had some problems and I had to do a factory reset. The next Sibionic sensor worked without interruption.)
Never use the sensor with more than one app at the same time. You can do that (only when both apps are on the same phone), but it results in missing values. Sibionic sensors remember past values and send all values from a certain index. When two apps run in parallel one of the apps will receive the glucose values asked for by the other app, for example only the last value. You can switch a sensor without problem from one app to the other, but the first app should be force stopped and should keep that way.
If you want to receive the output from Sibionics sensors on other instances of Juggluco connected via a miror connection (including WearOS watches), you also need to update those instances of Juggluco to minimally 8.0.0. Also Juggluco server need to be updated to 8.0.0.
Bug fixes in now clamp.
Bug fixes in mirror connection.
Beta version of Russian and Chinese translation.
Accidentally added sensors without data (accidentally scanned bar code) will be removed when adding next sensor;
New sensor better send to watch when “direct sensor-watch connection” is turned on;
Now also Sibionics sensors with (SI) bar codes can be used.
Added ZXing bar code scanner library for Sibionics users without access Google Play Services. Which has a huge impact not on APK size, but on build time.
Removed another 15 days limit on sensor age. Users of Sibionics sensors need to update Juggluco on all mirror devices and Juggluco server.
Again official end date in Calendar app and at right of screen;
Both expected and official end time in sensor information;
Also new Sibionics sensors are added to Calendar app.
Now Sibionics sensors really work without Google Play Services.
Bug fixes
Sibionics sensors now have better calibrated values and less connection errors.
In the previous version Sibionics sensors stopped after 22 days and 18 hours, in the current one they will last longer.
Small bug fix.
Values should be more in agreement with the Chinese Sibionics app;
The time a glucose values is displayed is increased from 3 minutes to 5.5 minutes. To stay in agreement with the official Sibionics app, there is only one glucose value in 5 minutes from Sibionics sensors. This meant that after 3 minutes the glucose value wasn’t shown any longer, creating gaps of 2 minutes without value after every glucose value.
Added EverSense broadcast to send glucose values to xDrip as an alternative to the Patched Libre broadcast. The values of this broadcast are not distorted by xDrip in the way the patched Libre broadcast is.
Bug fixes.
Asks for location permission when using Sibionics sensors on Android 6 to 11.
Glucose values in the first 14 days are now identical to those of the official Chinese Sibionics app.
On Android 6 to 11 location permission is needed to find Sibionics sensors. Juggluco now tests whether location is turned off in Androids settings;
Asks also location permission on WearOS watch and other mirror devices;
Now you can scan the package of a Sibionics sensor unknown to Juggluco while left menu→watch→WearOS config-> “Direct sensor-watch connection” is turned on and directly receive the values to the watch;
Bug fix.
Fixes a bug in 8.0.13 only.
Improvements for Sibionics sensors;
Specify threshold smaller than 0.8 on rate of change;
Again a “Forget” button for device addresses;
Bug fix in Floating Glucose on watch.
Fixes bug in 8.0.15 with starting Sibionics sensors;
Now displays every minute a value from Sibionics sensors.
Extended duration above 15 days for Libre 2 Plus. Untested;
Added automatic reinit and sync after network change.
More places the number of days limit for Freestyle Libre 2 sensors is made dependent on maximal wear duration of sensor.
Fixes serious bug in 8.0.19 for Libre 3 sensors;
Bug fix in mirror connection of Sibionics sensors.
Can now turn off alarm without unlocking screen;
Users who newly update from 8.0.9 or lower, now don’t have to set the xDrip and glucodata broadcast anew;
Scanning insulin pens doesn’t start Juggluco anymore, because that caused Juggluco to start when the phone was next to a bank card;
Loss of Signal alarm stops when a new value arrives.
Bug fix of left middle menu→List.
Bluetooth history always on on arm64.
Faster and more stable on arm64 than previously with “Bluetooth history” turned on.
Works with Libre 2 plus
Starts US Libre 2 like sensors (US, CA, AU, South Korea etc). WARNING: Abbotts Libre 2 app in the US can’t scan a sensor that is started with Juggluco or Freestyle Reader. You can still scan with the patched US Libre 2 app.
Mixes the Android status bar with the content of the Juggluco app, to be prepared when this is forced on app developers with Android 15: https://developer.android.com/about/versions/15/behavior-changes-15#edge-to-edge
The data content of only one sensor is sent to Libreview;
On Android 14 and 15 phones does the connection with Kerfstok on Garmin watches work again (didn’t in 8.1.0);
Other bugfixes.
For Libre 2 plus sensors, in the calendar app 15 days from start of sensor is used as end date.
Bug fix
Double touching the value part of floating glucose now asks if it should be made untouchable instead of immediately becoming untouchable;
Formatting improvement of Left middle menu→New Amount→Carbohydra→Meal→Add Item→Select→Define→Database→Search.
Fixes bug introduced in 8.1.0 in the list of entered numbers on Android 11 and higher with System UI turned on.
End time proposed to the calendar app is changed from official end time to expected end time;
Wearduration for Libre 3 PLUS sensors changed to 15 days;
strings.xml and rujugglucotext.cpp have alternative Russian translations. The Russian help texts have stayed the same.
Skips extra space before or after an ip in add mirror connection;
Small screen adaptation now only with smaller screens than before.
WearOS version contains arrow, value and arrow+value glucose complication.
Time can also be displayed in 12 hour clock.
Bug fixes.
Bug fix in WearOS complication setting screen.
Better settings for use complication in large image complication slot;
Watch Face for WearOS 5 in separate APK.
Replaced NewStringUTF because Android contains a debug version of NewStringUTF that let the app crash when it detects “not valid Modified UTF-8”. See: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12127817/android-ics-4-0-ndk-newstringutf-is-crashing-down-the-app
10-13 20:44:15.311 8914 8914 F DEBUG : signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE), fault addr --------
10-13 20:44:15.311 8914 8914 F DEBUG : Abort message: 'JNI DETECTED ERROR IN APPLICATION: input is not valid Modified UTF-8: illegal continuation byte 0
10-13 20:44:15.311 8914 8914 F DEBUG : string: 'Brötchen sÃ'
10-13 20:44:15.311 8914 8914 F DEBUG : input: '0x42 0x72 0xc3 0xb6 0x74 0x63 0x68 0x65 0x6e 0x20 0x73 0xc3'
10-13 20:44:15.311 8914 8914 F DEBUG : in call to NewStringUTF
Removes recently created bug affecting small screens.
When the language was zh, Juggluco didn’t work on older Android versions. Repaired.
BUG fixes
Moved web server, uploader, Libreview, Health Connect, Mirror and the broadcasts to Exchange data;
Can now be used with Dexcom G7 sensors.
To use a sensor with Juggluco, the app previously connected with the sensor should be disabled, by either uninstalling it or using force stop and disallowing “Nearby devices” permission in app info and setting the battery usage of that app to restricted. If you can find the sensor in the list of bonded Bluetooth devices in Android settings, press on “forget”. Dexcom G7 sensors have names starting with DXCM. Put other (old) Dexcom sensors out of Bluetooth reach, so Juggluco will not accidentally connect to them.
Press left menu→Photo in Juggluco and scan the data matrix on the applicator of the G7 sensor. It takes up to 5 minutes before Juggluco finds the sensor. You have to agree to pair the sensor with Juggluco. You are only able to do that when the screen isn’t locked. Every time you fail, you have to wait again 5 minutes. An exception is my Wear OS watch, that seems to be able to bond without having to press an agree button.
In 9.0.0 the warm up period for Libre 3 was wrong, corrected;
Added Export to Left menu→Settings→Exchange data.
Text size of the glucose complications can be made smaller.
Export from Exchange data, could become untouchable. Changed.
Finding the wrong Dexcom G7 shouldn’t be that catastrophic anymore;
Starting with the WearOS version should be easier now:
pressing Left menu→Watch→WearOS config→Init watch app on the phone is no longer needed;
Initialization progress information is shown;
Settings menu is rearranged;
New app icon.
When connected to previously used Dexcom G7 sensors, Juggluco now receives the old data.
Keeps Dexcom G7 sensor with only old data somewhat longer connected via Bluetooth to receive old data.
Sometimes part of the Dexcom G7 curve wasn’t visible, repaired;
In WearOS versie:
Added option in left menu→Settings→Display, to remove close buttons, for users of the back key;
All kind of display changes in an attempt to comply with Google Play requirements.
Some setting display changes;
Dexcom G7 change.
Bug fixes;
Display changes in WearOS version.
Bug fixes.
Bug fixes
Added connect timer for Dexcom G7 sensors, to awake a WearOS watch to make a connection to the sensor.
Some elements fit better on the screen under WearOS.
Changes how Juggluco on phone and watch communicate on non Samsung Galaxy watches. Juggluco on phone and watch apps need to be updated together;
Added (regex) search to ingredients to left middle menu→New Amount→Carbohydrate→Meal→Add Item→Select for users with a lot of ingredients;
Touching the glucose arrow of the watch face, switches to Juggluco (but only when Juggluco was already used);
Bug fix in Floating glucose configuration for users of devices below Android 8.
In the help texts “Exchange data” is added after “Settings” when reference is made to items moved from Settings to Exchange data.
Better delta send to WatchDrip+
Fixed alarms in Android 6 or lower.
Spinner changes in WearOS version.
I accidentally deleted the Wear OS version from Google Drive, so upload a new version with a few small changes.
Dexcom G7 improvements
Bug fixes
9.0.23-2 (Juggluco server)
Command line Web interface did not work with new installs since some earlier update, repaired;
Bug fix.
When Dexcom G7 sensor that was used long ago, but still could communicate via Bluetooth, was used with Juggluco, data of the currently active other sensor would not be displayed in the previous version. This is changed, so that old sensors can be added to Juggluco out of order.
Improvements for Dexcom G7 and Dexcom ONE+. It is still necessary to keep a large distance of other (used up) Dexcom sensors, even putting them in the Microwave doesn’t prevent connecting to them.
adb is no longer needed for the logging mobile phone version of Juggluco
Juggluco makes it now clearer when on Android 11 or lower Juggluco has not the location permission needed for Bluetooth scanning
Bug fixes
Included ZXing barcode scanning library in Google version, because play-services-code-scanner stopped working on certain devices. Only deleting all data of the Google Play Services System app solved this, but that causes the phone to lose connection with a WearOS watch, which can be solved by a factory reset of the watch.
WearOS watch-phone connection:
Auto generate password;
Both directions initiate connection.
Added sensor view, including “Terminate”, when Juggluco is not directly connected with the sensor
Added links in help pages to translations on the web
OK button visible in introduction at first start.
Version 9.1.0 and 9.1.1 were terribly slow in displaying old data. Repaired.
Like alarm themselves, speak alarms is now an alarm sound when Alarm is Alarm is set and a notification sound when it is not set. In other cases Talk is also controlled by the “notification volume” lever in Android settings, previously it was “Media volume”. It also applies to “Do not disturb” interruption settings.
Improvements in communication with Kerfstok on Garmin watches;
Bug fixes.