The WearOS version of Juggluco is tightly coupled with Juggluco running on the Android companion phone of the watch. Every sensor needs to be scanned by Juggluco on the companion phone.
To get Juggluco for WearOS to work, you only need to install and run it while the companion phone version is running, after this everything should go by itself, you only need to wait.
The only prerequisite is that Bluetooth and WIFI are turned on on both phone and WearOS watch.
All data from the phone will first be send to the watch.
Problems can arise when you do the wrong things.
Most people want to directly connect the watch with the sensor. This can only be changed when the phone and watch are in sync so that all data is present on both sides of the connection.
You can do that with left menu→Watch→WearOS config→”Direct sensor-watch connection”. This settings changes a few settings on both watch and phone. You can also change these settings individually, but that is much more work and gives problems when done incorrectly. Someone for example turned Left menu->Sensor→”Use Bluetooth” on on the phone again after turning on “Direct sensor-watch connection” and thereafter it worked on the phone, but the watch didn’t receive any value. But “Use Bluetooth” should be turned off on the phone so that the watch can get a connection with the sensor. Phone and watch should not compete for a connection with the sensor. Using ”Direct sensor-watch connection” takes care of is and also of the mirror connection between between phone and watch.
When Juggluco on the watch does receives glucose values, you can see them by opening Juggluco on the watch. After a period of inactivity, the watch will return automatically to the watch face. On Watch 4 you can set how long the last app is shown in Galaxy Wearable or WearOS Settings→Display:
There are three other ways to see your glucose level on the watch:
Juggluco includes a watch face displaying the glucose value:
Programmed watch faces are not allowed on Galaxy Watch 7 and Ultra and Pixel Watch 3 in a futile attempt to save energy: when using the glucose complication the battery doesn’t last longer.
In every watch, in which a small image glucose complication can be placed, you can put one of the glucose complications included in Juggluco:
You can change the colors in left menu→Settings→Complications in Juggluco on the watch.
Some watch faces only allow short text + icon complications in which these complications can’t be placed. Ask the maker of the watch face to add SMALL_IMAGE to the list of complication types.
Floating Glucose is a glucose value that can be displayed above other apps, except for the system interface.
It needs a permission that on some watches you can only give with the use of adb:
adb shell pm grant tk.glucodata android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW
Thereafter you can go to left menu→Settings. With the Floating Glucose button you can change the size and color of the floating glucose and with the check box after the button, you can turn it on.
Problem: data is not send from phone to watch or from watch to phone.
Sometimes watch and phone are out of sync. Mostly pressing left menu→Mirror→Sync on the watch is enough, sometimes pressing Reinit before Sync is needed. At other times you first need to do the same on the phone. Turning Bluetooth off and on or WIFI off and on can sometimes help. You can do so on phone and watch. Sometime Rebooting the phone or the watch is needed.
Sometimes this is not enough. Possible causes:
Bluetooth is turned off on phone or watch. Turn it on.
Watch is disconnected from phone. Look in the companion app of the watch, for example Galaxy Wearable and see if they are connected. If they are not try to connect them. Sometimes you need to reboot the phone or the watch before this happens.
You can set them to their defaults with left menu→Watch→WearOS config→Defaults.
When there is data present on the watch that isn’t synced with the phone, this data is lost.
When everything fails, you can uninstall the Watch version of Juggluco. Remove the mirror connection on the phone in left middle menu→Mirror and reinstall the watch version and wait to see if it now starts working automatically.
Earlier I reported that the quality of connection between sensor and watch changed from sensor to sensor. Later I came to know that bad sensors were determined by wearing my watch on the opposite arm of the sensor. When both are on the same arm I have only very infrequently connection errors.
The other causes of connection errors are the same as for the phone version:
Another device is also connecting with the sensor. You should make absolutely certain that no other app is trying to connect with the same sensor. Don’t use “Pause” to stop the app, at least on my phone, it only causes the background activity of the app to become invisible. You need to press “Force stop” and you need to repeat that because these apps set timers to start themselves again. Better is to disable or uninstall them.
Sometimes Bluetooth malfunctions. Turning Bluetooth off and on can help.
If all else fails you can reboot the watch;
If you do a factory reset on the watch or reinstall Juggluco, you need to remove the old mirror connection on the phone under left middle menu→Mirror.